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7 Steps to Move Your Business to the Next Level

February 21, 20234 min read

A leader wants to see his business move ahead. The problem is he may not be sure how to do so.  To advance your organization, create a process. Without a process, it will not happen. Below is a 7-step process to move your business to the next level!

Step #1 – List your current 6 most important areas of your business.

These areas may include marketing, sales, team development, finances, communication, deliverables, strategic planning, etc. Depending on your current stage of business, the time of year, or specific industry, these areas may vary.  

Create a chart like the one below listing the various areas of challenge. Creating a chart forces you to give deep thought about what’s really important. 

Ministry challenges chart

Step #2 – Rate each area on a scale of 1-10.

Rate each area on a 1-10 scale.  If marketing would move things forward the most, rate it as a 10. If getting organized financially is desperately needed, it will be a 10, etc.

Rating each area brings clarity to what you must address first. You can’t address every category simultaneously. 

Step #3 – Focus your time and energy on one area.

Moving forward in several areas simultaneously is hard. It is much easier to focus directly on one key category. Rather than diffusing your time and energy, develop a laser-like focus on one area.

Let’s say your key area is communication. Work hard to understand and overcome your communication challenges.  Obviously, you cannot completely ignore the other areas, but you can focus primarily on one area you want to improve. Make sure the area you choose has the highest ROI potential.  ROI will include more than just finances.  It will include reduction of stress, ease of operation, etc.  

Step #4 – Dive deeply into that top area.

Give deep thought about why your company’s communication is not working. Do you have the right system in place?  Have you provided adequate training? Are you measuring your efforts? 

Discover what’s keeping your communication from experiencing success. To fix a problem, you have to uncover it.  Problems are not always on the surface.  

Problems are not usually one-dimensional. By taking a deep dive into one category, you can examine it from several perspectives.  This will help you develop a holistic solution. 

7 Steps to Move Your Ministry to the Next Level

Step #5 – Develop lead metrics to track your success.

Develop a means by which you can measure your efforts.

Most businesses measure by lag metrics. This approach measures after the fact. In other words, after the month, quarter, or year end, it looks at your gross sales, expenses, etc. and evaluates your net profit.

Although lag metrics are important, lead metrics are more important in improving an area of your business. Lead metrics measure your progress in real time. They provide guideposts for moving your business ahead.

For example, sales involves numbers. The more people you contact, the more sales should occur.  You can actually create lead metrics to assure that you reach your sales goals.

I see this a lot in real estate. Brokers who desire to make $3M in sales must have a certain number of closings (if the average price per home is $350K, they need 9 closings).  If they want 9 closings, they need to write at least 12 contracts (not every contract will close). If they want to write 12 contracts, they need 20-30 close connections with potential clients (assuming 50% of these potential buyers or sellers sign a contract). If they want 20-30 close connections, they need approximately 200 people in their database.

Once you put your lead metrics together, track your metrics at each stage to determine if you will meet your goals. Think of lead metrics like the tracks for the train to run on. Meeting your goals at each stage will create a pathway to success.

Step # 6 – Schedule 20% of your time to focus on this one area.

Leaders spend most of their time in a whirlwind of activities and responsibilities.  That whirlwind can consume 100% of their time. Leaders who desire to grow and improve their business carve out at least 20% of their time to focus on the one key area that will move their business ahead.

Don’t neglect the daily whirlwind, or it will catch up with you. However, don’t allow it to consume 100% of your time.   

Using 20% of your time and energy to improve a strategically determined area that has the potential to provide the highest rate of return will greatly improve your company.

Step #7 – Evaluate your progress and make adjustments.

By focusing on one area, you channel all your energy and focus to improve one category. That makes the goal very accomplishable. Most leaders attempt to move several fronts forward simultaneously. Doing so is challenging and usually unsuccessful.

Focusing on a specific category helps you take action.  Once you improve that one area, move on to area number two. Executing this 7-step process will move your company to the next level!

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Dave Pennington PhD

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